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The Opening Ceremony Short Speech of "Advanced Training Course on China-Asean Rule of Law Cooperation over Drugs Issues and Other Conventional Safety Problems”

The Opening Ceremony Short Speech of "Advanced Training Course on China-Asean Rule of Law Cooperation over Drugs Issues and Other Conventional Safety Problems” Good Morning Ladies And Gentlements ! First of all , let’s thanks to God Almighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing so we can attend this opening ceremony of "Advanced Training Course on China-Asean Rule of Law Cooperation over Drugs Issues and Other Conventional Safety Problems, without any obstacles and great occasion; I would like to introduce my self , My name is DEDY LEAN SAHUSILAWANE , I’m a representative of The Indonesian Supreme Court in this forum; The Honorable . Mr. Fu Zitang as President of Southwest univercity of political science and Law of China The Honorable M r…. ... President of Chine Law Society ; The Honorable......... The Respected members of the committe who involved for conducting this training; The Respected other invited guests who I can not mention ; And The All Respected participants of "Advanced Training Course on China-Asean Rule of Law Cooperation over Drugs Issues and Other Conventional Safety Problems"; Ladies and Gentlements , As far as we knows, the use of drugs for non-medical purposes threaten public health, inflicting a heavy toll on users and their families, with the most vulnerable and marginalized groups hit hardest. But the larger community also suffer; illicit drug use can place a burden on health care and criminal justice systems; For organized crime CHINA and the ASEAN Countries have no borders. The types of crimes being committed by transnational criminal networks are increasing, particularly in CHINA and the ASEAN regions. Their illegal enterprises traffic illicit drugs, weapons, wildlife and other natural resources and human beings across borders and between continents for the enrichment of criminals and corrupt officials. In some regions, the economic profits they generate support terrorist groups. Organized crime feeds on instability and the weak rule of law, shows violence, and grows strong with help from corruption and money-laundering. It threatens the safety and security of communities, violates human rights and undermines economic, social, cultural, political and civil development of societies around the world including CHINA and ASEAN countries; Ladies and Gentlement In today’s interconnected CHINA and ASEAN region , national approaches alone to combat organized crime are not sufficient. The transnational nature of organized crime means that criminal networks forge sophisticated relationships across borders, overcome cultural and linguistic differences in the commission of their crimes and adapt as new crimes emerge and opportunities arise. Disrupting criminal networks and the links between them requires a response that is based on international cooperation and coordination such as this forum "Advanced Training Course on China-Asean Rule of Law Cooperation over Drugs Issues and Other Conventional Safety Problems " as one of Various efforts made by CHINA and the ASEAN governments to break the network of international narcotic syndicates that nest in CHINA and ASEAN countries ; Ladies and Gentlements Drug abuse has also contributed to the increase of HIV/AIDS patients, through the usage of unsterile injections. According to a report based on an illicit drug and injection safety study of 20 Asian countries , drug injecting is spreading to all the countries [of Asia] and its popularity is increasing. My Country, Indonesia have up to 1 million drug injectors, and 19% of them were infected HIV/AIDS; How Dangerous the drugs abuse for CHINA and ASEAN countries; Ladies and Gentlements This is an extremely serious issue for us. It’s a threat that could kill an entire generation. One generation of this nation will be lost if we do not take action together and immediately. In short, we must be ready to go to war against illicit drugs . Now its time for ASEAN countries and China to say ‘NO’ to drugs. It’s time for us to arrange our future. It’s time for us to face the world with our ability. It’s time for us to prove that we can do something for our country; With The spirit of ‘ China-Asean Rule of Law Cooperation’. On behalf of participants of "Advanced Training Course on China-Asean Rule of Law Cooperation over Drugs Issues and Other Conventional Safety Problems I would like to say “ Thank You Very Much “ Mr.DEDY LEAN SAHUSILAWANE, SH. ( The Supreme Court of Indonesia’s representative)


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